The cases we are dealing with are getting sadder and sadder. I don't understand why anyone would do this to her... an old dog who can't see well, can't hear well, and has no way to defend herself or survive.
This story reminds me of Woody who was owned, and at some point, when his owner died, the family of the owner just threw him out to the streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35zifGt8nPo
Thinking about our own death can be a scary thing, but we have to keep in mind that life is so fragile, and it can end up in a second. If you love your family and your pets, you should make plans today should this day comes sooner than you think.
About 70% of adults in the U.S do not have a will and as a result, so many animals end up in terrible situations. We would like to help each and every one of you with writing your own will - FOR FREE:
It will take only 20 minutes of your time, and it's something you owe everyone you love. It will give them safety, and it will give you peace of mind.
Cashmere's name was suggested to us by a supporter, and I would LOVE for all of you to suggest names too. Please click here and suggest a unique name that you haven't seen on our channel yet: https://www.hopeforpaws.org/name
Another request today is for all of you to download the Hope For Paws APP, and enable the notifications. This will enable me (Eldad), Loreta, JoAnn or Katie to text you when a new video is posted.
If you would like to adopt Cashmere, please contact our friends at Lionel's Legacy - Senior Dog Rescue: https://LionelsLegacy.org
Cashmere may not have a long life ahead of her, but she deserves someone who will love her to the end.
Please share her story and help us find her that home.
Thank you so much!