Burning With Sexual Desire As A Christian - The Devil Never Wanted You To See This!

Burning With Sexual Desire As A Christian - The Devil Never Wanted You To See This!

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Burning With Sexual Desire As A Christian - The Devil Never Wanted You To See This!

Do you wonder why you still crave for sex since you’re a Christian and why you probably still fall into sexual sin? We have the answer in today’s video. We will talk about why your body wants so much sex as a Christian. Please don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Also turn on push notifications to be alerted whenever we post more videos like this.
Sex is a biological activity that takes place between two people. A man and a woman. According to biblical standards. Sex is a beautiful activity created by God. Sex is enjoyable and profitable only when done in the confines of marriage. Sex is only approved by God when it is done the way He commands it.
A lot of us are familiar with sex and how it works especially in our society today. Sex used to be so sacred with most people upholding purity particularly in action and words. Gradually, as things began to change, the views on sex changed. A lot of people engage in pre-marital sex and having sex with other partners outside marriage. A lot of people engage in homosexuality and lesbianism. Sex is so common in our modern society; with a majority not seeing it as an offense to God. So if you happen to grow up in this type of society, chances are that you might also not see these things as sin since everyone is doing it. But as you begin to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God, you begin to realize that your bodies are the temple of God. And as you strive to please Him, you’d feel the need to stop every form of sexual sin. 1 Corinthians 6 vs 19 – 20 says “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honour God with your bodies.” The fact that you want to honour God with your body now shows how much you love God.
When you make the decision to be pure before God, you will then realize that it’s not so easy. You’d wonder repeatedly about the verses of victory over sin. You will question the word of God because you don’t see it at work in your life. Again and again you will find yourself engaging in these sins. You’d be irritated, you’d think it’s a curse. You’d be tired. You’d cry, you’d pray but it’ll look like nothing is working. We should be aware that unlike most sins, sex isn’t actually a sin in itself. It’s only when it’s done outside of marriage that it becomes a sin. We cannot cast out sex and pray away our need for sex. Your first step to gaining victory over sexual sins is knowing what sex actually is and why it was created.
1) Sex was created as a means for reproduction. Genesis 1 vs 28 says “God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” We use sex as a means of reproduction. When two people have sex, there is a chance of the woman bringing forth life. And this fulfils the command that says be fruitful and multiply.
2) Sex was created to be enjoyed by married people. God didn’t create sex alone for children to be brought into the world. God created sex as a means for married people to be intimate. Proverbs 5 vs 18 – 19 says “May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.” Notice the bible said wife not girlfriend or fiancĂ©e or any other partner.
3) Sex also makes a man and woman become one flesh. Genesis 2 vs 24 says “This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” This is a blessing to those who are married but a curse to those to aren’t. You’re united with everyone that you sleep with as a spiritual principle. If you are enjoying this video, please like, share and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
It is normal to feel sexual urges especially when you like someone. This is because we were created to feel these things. We were created to want sex and enjoy it. The same way we are created to feel thirst, or tired. You giving your life to Christ doesn’t take away your sexual desires. But as a Christian who is dedicated to pleasing God, you can bring it under control through the Holy Spirit. Though you feel the urge, you should never act on what you feel. As a Christian, you know God’s stand on sexual purity and we ought to obey everything He tells us for our own good. Sex outside marriage complicates things. When you sleep with someone who isn’t your spouse, you’re making yourself emotionally and spiritually available for a lot of negative things to happen to you. From sexually transmitted diseases to unwanted pregnancies, the list goes on and on.


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