Damn Glad To Meet You (Video Demo)

Damn Glad To Meet You (Video Demo)

In The Hospital Series with Rich Krueger #1

Damn Glad to Meet You

Dedicated to Harold Lohr, Richard Thompson, John Doyle, Nick Drake & Spinoza

Among the panoply of thoughts
A-swimming in your head
Many drown before they ever spy dry land

Same could be said of truth
For colors are always bled
And again for troubled men like you
Numerous as grains of sand

This is no interview
I already know more about you than you do

This will all be over soon

First meetings can feel odd
But I’m damn glad to meet you
My name’s God

Let me guess
Right now you’re scared
Terrified just how your life might end up tared

Funny thing is
Death’s a lot like life
Often it is terribly unfair

But trust me
There is a difference
Unlike life, death lasts a good deal longer

There are things you’ll never understand

In spite of all I’ve said
You often go unheeded
When you’re God

Some men, they oh so love themselves
They claim that they know my mind
They believe somehow they’re justified
They condemn more often than they are kind

As God I put so little store in sin
I know I made men fools
They rarely know just what they’re worth
Reeking havoc hapless ruin
to their precious earth

But I know all
So I know this
Take care if eternal life is what you wish

The secret is
You’ll live as long as you exist
Blessed or damned amongst the thoughts
of living men

Don’t blame me
You sod
I’m only God
-July 2021

Harold LohrSpinozaRichard Thompson

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