Mind-blindness and Resultant Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in ASD

Mind-blindness and Resultant Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in ASD

--- Group for ASD Men Struggling in Their Relationship with an NT Spouse: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/2020/11/group-for-asd-men-struggling-in-their.html

--- Group for NT Women Struggling in Their Relationship with an ASD Spouse: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/2020/11/group-for-nt-women-struggling-in-their.html

--- Online Group Therapy for Couples & Individuals Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/2020/10/mark-hutten-m.html

--- Living With Aspergers: Help for Couples: https://www.livingwithaspergerspartner.com/

--- Skype Counseling for Struggling Individuals & Couples Affected by Asperger's and HFA: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/2019/07/skype-counseling-for-struggling-couples.html

Dealing with Criticism When You're Highly Sensitive:

1. Ask questions in order to clarify
2. Avoid black-and-white thinking
3. Choose to Hear Feedback Differently
4. Determine if the criticism is constructive or destructive
5. Distract Yourself
6. Do something nice for yourself
7. Don’t respond immediately
8. Embrace the Opportunity
9. Look for the nugget of truth
10. Pause for a Moment
11. Plan In-Process Time
12. Remember—It's Just Not About You
13. Remind Yourself You Don't Have the Full Picture
14. Separate feelings from facts

Marriage to men with Asperger syndromeCassandra syndrome and marriageRelationship problems in autistic adults

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