New Girl At School Is Not Who You Think

New Girl At School Is Not Who You Think

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As soon as she entered the room everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared at her. She was so beautiful, you know, one of those girls who just looks good without putting in any effort.

I knew immediately that everyone would want to be friends with her and I was right! Everyone began to gather around her,

“Hey, you’re new here, right? What’s your name?”

“Hi, there, you can sit with me if you like.”

And that was just the girls! The boys mostly just stood there staring with their mouths drooling like little lost puppies!

As for me, I just sat at the back of the class, trying not to get noticed!

But before I go on, make sure you like and subscribe and hit that notification bell. This is the only way to be as beautiful as that new girl!

As I watched her walk through the classroom, smiling at everyone as she passed, I couldn’t help but wish that I was like her. I had been at this school for ages, but I still hadn’t made any friends. Sure, kids would say hi to me, but no one ever asked me to sit with them at lunch, or to hang out after school.

I tried not to let it bother me, but it was lonely sometimes, not having a friend.

The new girl on the other hand, well, it was obvious it wouldn’t take her long to make some friends.

I felt sure that she would take up one of the many offers that were being thrown at her, but instead she just kept on walking. I started to get a bit puzzled,

“Is she coming over to me?”

“Hi there! I’m new here, do you mind if I sit with you?”

I looked around me, just to double check she wasn’t talking to someone else,

‘Yeah, sure, sit down.”

She sat down next to me,

“I’m Rebecca, what’s your name?”


I couldn’t believe out of everyone in the class, she had chosen to sit next to me. I could see everyone else was just as confused as I was. They were all staring at me, but I didn’t care, I was so happy.


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