Portable classrooms, a real problem! Safety, security, students and teachers wellbeing compromised.

Portable classrooms, a real problem! Safety, security, students and teachers wellbeing compromised.

Hot "portable" classrooms have become a hot topic. literally, to hot!
Why are kids compromised? Teachers trying to teach in hot and unsuitable learning environments. Kids unable to learn at their full potential.

Students asking why they're in a trailer and not with their peers in the school?

If you're a parent or grandparent, and concerned about the health and safety of your children or grandchild.
Please see the links provided below, search for yourself "hot portable classrooms" and read about the safety & security of portable classrooms.
It's now been proven - there's no savings to portable classrooms!
Portables cost more than a proper school addition after 20 years of service, actually twice as much!
* The cost of 10 portable classrooms over 10 years, would fully fund a proper school addition of 10 classrooms, and new bathroom facilities to accomodate.

Portable safety issues (Utah)

Surrey portable classrooms crisis

FixEarth Portables

• About Britco (Black Diamond Group, Calgary)

Classes by Britco in B.C
and ATCO in Alberta!

Portable classrooms are anything but portable. Most become a permanent fixture for decades. In the past, politicians and school boards would encourage use of portables because of cost savings. In the short term this may be true, although temporary portable classrooms are anything but short term. It's now been widely criticized, portable classrooms are double the cost of what a proper school addition would be over 20 years. Most portables become a permanent school fixture for over 20 years, 30 years, even as long as 40 years in places such as Alberta.

Temporary trailers better known as portables are sometimes to hot in the summer causing school closures and much to cold in the winter.

Most don't have running water or bathroom facilities.

Air quality in older portables are of health concerns. Seperation from the main school, isolation and exterior wall strength are new security issues.

Portable classrooms are inadequate learning spaces for students and are finally being removed by governments, such as the New Democrat Party in British Columbia.

Premier John Horgan stated "We have to have a total removal of these portables over the course of the next four years. We need to start by reducing them by half in the first two years of the next mandate, of the next B.C. government.”

“It strikes me that if you’re going to say that education is important, you have to demonstrate that education is important” Premier Horgan said in August 2016.

Students that have been placed into portables, are speaking out about the negative impacts on their education, health and social well-being.

Many complain of exhausting heat, leading to headaches and learning development issues. Sound distractions, lack of bathroom facilities, having to travel back and forth to the main school in extremely cold weather to use the bathroom or gym facilities.

Industrial trailers better known as portables, are just not cool for any kids school.

Learn more, and see the comments by students and concerned parents at https://bit.ly/portableclassrooms

Thank you for supporting our students.

portablesportable classroomshot portables

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