無限音樂營聚 Social Gathering Music Camp | 大館 Tai Kwun

無限音樂營聚 Social Gathering Music Camp | 大館 Tai Kwun

【 #無限音樂營聚 來大館周末getaway】
Glamping with music, nature and workshops at Tai Kwun

生活繁忙,何不開闢一個小角落療癒自己?音樂人馮穎琪及一個人一首歌團隊精心策劃《無限音樂營聚》,在大館休閒的戶外空間搭建窩心綠洲,由Colin@903主持,邀請一眾本地音樂人Kendy Suen、陳蕾、洪嘉豪等帶來豐富的音樂演出。他們更會聯同心靈治療及露營達人展示音樂以外的另一面,帶來靜心療癒、親子活動和露營主題的工作坊,送上一個愜意周末!

Although we may not be able to travel, it is always possible to enjoy a little getaway from the busy life and give yourself a precious “me” time! Curated by singer-songwriter Vicky Fung and Every Life Is A Song, “Social Gathering Music Camp” is a heart-warming oasis situated at Tai Kwun’s leisure outdoor space. Hosted by Colin@903, local musicians Kendy Suen, Panther Chan, Hung Ka Ho and more will present a diverse range of music; together with veterans in mindfulness and camping, the musicians will reveal the other side of themselves in workshops about healing, family-fun and camping. A joyous weekend awaiting you this summer!
You are most welcome to bring a camping or folding chair to create your own seat. See you at the Tai Kwun “campsite” from 31 July to 1 August!

“Social Gathering Music Camp”
📅 31.07-01.08.2021
📍 大館各處 Site-wide
🎟️ 免費參加 Free Admission
🔗 更多詳情 Learn more on https://bit.ly/3eNuKS6

tai kwun大館馮穎琪

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