Tomi Lahren's Faux Pas I Rolling Stone #102.2

Tomi Lahren's Faux Pas I Rolling Stone #102.2

Tomi Lahren snorted steam and fire over the way Caitlyn nee Bruce Jenner was treated at CPAC, telling the "haters" that there was no room for their hate in the America First movement, hate that made them a worse mob than any on the left. And what sort of hate was Jenner exposed to? Some people heckling him with cat calls and some people insisting on calling him...Bruce. pretty tame compared to the burning and looting and secession and toppling of history we've seen in the last year from the left's mobs. But the real problem with Lahren's self-righteous defense of Jenner was when she pontificated that whatever Jenner does in his personal life harms no one in any way. That faux pas opens the door to a whole lot of nasty things conservatives claim (at least) to oppose. And it's just wrong.

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