Who Is Deepanker Khosla: The Chef Employing Refugees To Feed The Hungry

Who Is Deepanker Khosla: The Chef Employing Refugees To Feed The Hungry

Originally from Allahabad in India, Chef Khosla turned his restaurant Haoma into a soup kitchen for out-of-work Bangkok residents when the pandemic reached Thailand. He raised funds for his campaign, which he named #NoOneHungry, through crowdfunding and kept his staff employed by cooking, prepping and distributing meals across the city’s most impoverished areas, serving over 100,000 free meals to date. Khosla’s family found shelter in India after fleeing the conflicts of the partition of South Asia in the late 1940s, and the chef-restaurateur has long felt an affinity with migrants, deciding to staff his kitchen largely with displaced people from Nepal and Myanmar.

Passionate about sustainability and convinced that food should protect rather than damage the natural environment, Khosla created Haoma to be a highly sustainable operation. The restaurant uses the produce grown in the farm on its grounds and even features a mini fish farm, as well a system to recycle rainwater. Having already achieved a three-star certification by sustainability organisation Food Made Good, Haoma is on its way to become zero-waste by 2022.

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#DeepankerKhosla #Haoma #NoOneHungry

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