What you're seeing on the display...
There are 28 spectrograms with their waveform besides them, showing last 30 minutes of data and are updated each 5-10 seconds...
the 4 Boreholes that are in purple colors at the bottom of the columns are the same as the others,i ts only to separate the Boreholes from the normal stations...
There are 13 seismograms showing the last 2 hours of data and updated at 15 seconds or so.
Little map is showing Yellowstone Caldera region with Earthquakes location updated by USGS
Also at the top, Last reported earthquake for Yellowstone region also updated by USGS.
i do that for the fun of it.
i am NO scientist at all,im a tow truck driver hehehe
like you,im interested at whats going on at YS
BE AWARE -- be NICE and courteous -- NO shitty talk about others -- NO PREDICTIONS OF ANY KIND --no Politics / Religion / Racism ... Or you'll be kicked and fear mongerers WILL be banned RIGHT AWAY !
What is a SPECTROGRAM and how to read them -- https://pnsn.org/spectrograms/what-is-a-spectrogram
What is a SEISMIC WAVEFORM / DRUM ? -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seismic_wave
ALOMAX EArly-est -- EArthquake Rapid Location sYstem -- http://alomax.free.fr/projects/early-est/warning.html
Heres some infos about Borehole B208...
Yellowstone's Live Cam -- https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/photosmultimedia/webcams.htm
Last 30 days earthquakes for CANADA -- https://www.seismescanada.rncan.gc.ca/index-fr.php?tpl_region=canada
EMSC earthquake list -- https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/
Did the ground move near me ? https://www.iris.edu/app/station_monitor/
Elk running and waves on a Seismogram. -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc6H6GCp-3M
IsThisThingOn... http://www.isthisthingon.org/Yellowstone/daythumbs.php
Japan's seismic stations -- Click on blue dots
Earthquakes for Quebec - last 30 days https://www.seismescanada.rncan.gc.ca/index-en.php?tpl_region=east
Southern California Earthquake Data Center
USGS World earthquake list -- https://urlz.fr/f3D4
Yellowstone National Park Seismograph Network -- http://www.fdsn.org/networks/detail/WY/
Latest EQs for Yellowstone https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=44.11224,-111.60736&extent=44.99006,-109.4101&magnitude=all&listOnlyShown=true&baseLayer=satellite&timeZone=utc