Developing a common framework and vernacular for personal development 探索靈性急症.踏上覺醒之路

Developing a common framework and vernacular for personal development 探索靈性急症.踏上覺醒之路

A workshop co-organized by The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong and MC: Dr. Simon Chau, Chairman of Body-Mind-Spirit Platform, and supported by Dreams Possible.

21st August, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Gino Yu, Associate Professor and Director of Digital Entertainment and Game Development in the School of Design at PolyU.

MC: Dr. Simon Chau, Chairman of Body-Mind-Spirit Platform

We are building a local community of people who have had mystical experiences that are unexplainable by modern science and disbelieved by the general population. Very often, these mystical experiences are predicated by a “spiritual emergency” or “awakening experience.” For some people, these experiences involved their beliefs and spiritual practices among different religious traditions. For others, they were triggered by existential crisis or the use of psychedelics. The result is a profound shift in their understanding of the World and their role within it. The experience is very personal and involve inner states of being for which language has a hard time capturing, let alone understanding.

In Hong Kong, we are developing models for community building among this population of people. A common framework and understanding is necessary In order to build and grow a community. The process of community engagement serves to facilitate the integration of mystical experiences and to nurture continued growth. We have developed a framework that is consistent with modern science as well as both theistic and non-theistic religions. It is hoped that by sharing this framework, we can accelerate the growth of the local community and provide a “safe space” for sharing our experiences toward positive collective growth.

Dr Gino introduces this framework and some simple practices to help with grounding one-on-one engagement. By understanding the relationship between the stories that occupy our minds, the emotions that drive our actions, and the physiological processes that underpin these emotions, we can better appreciate and understand the dynamics of our life.



大家紛紛得到科學未能解釋周圍的人又拒絕相信的神性合一經驗(mystical experiences),往往先遇上了「靈性急症」、「開悟經驗」──可能與所屬宗教信仰有關,也有因生存危機引發。結果他們對世情和自身角色看法巨變,一時無從了解、難以適應。

這次聚會,由多年來致力研究人類大腦意識的於積理博士(Dr. Gino Yu)分享個人遇上過的靈修的考驗、挑戰和靈性急症,並透過學術研究和科學實證的基礎上,發展出一個支持人類潛能發展的體系,目標建立一個互助共修的靈性社群,提供安全空間,讓尋道者分享經驗,一同成長。

• 主辦: 香港理工大學多媒體及娛樂科技碩士課程部
• 合辦:香港新心靈平台
• 協辦:自在社
• 日期:2021年8 月 21 日
• 主講 :於積理博士, 香港理工大學數字娛樂與遊戲發展部的副教授
• 主持:周兆祥博士, 香港身心靈平台主席

Developing a common framework and vernacular for personal development探索靈性急症.踏上覺醒之路 探索靈性急症踏上覺醒之路

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