I received a question several months ago after my House Tour videos about how I make our home a comfortable and creative space. I am excited to share the answer to this question in this video.
Here is the house tour video (pre renovation) if interested that I mentioned in the video :
I hope you find something in this video that is uplifting and inspiring to you!
Much love, Tumi
*LINK to my Summer Synergy Body and Home Cleanse: https://drtumijohnson.com/en-US/46701/detox
*LINK to my book/audiobook Delicious Healing: https://drtumijohnson.com/en-US/55332/my-book
To request a dance piece/video from me (either as an individual or as an organization), to book a holistic health lecture and/or a dance performance by me, OR to book a one-on-one health consultation session or life coaching session with me, please contact me at http://www.drtumijohnson.com
MY WEBSITE: http://www.drtumijohnson.com
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thepoemdances/