I was a government clerk making five hundred and twenty five dollars&تعلم الانجليزية من خلال القصص
I was a government clerk making five hundred and twenty five dollars a month, I weigh 200 pounds. I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. I had never set a goal in my life. I didn't have a college degree and no money in the bank. I was newly married with a new baby at home, and I didn't expect much from life until one day in 1972 on the radio.
In the next room to mine, I heard a voice that changed everything.
Somewhere deep inside, you know, what kind of person you were designed to be.
] If you want to produce great acorns, think like an oak, not like an acorn, think like the person you intend to become, ask yourself how would the person I'd like to be do the things I'm about to do?
The ACORN has three parts. It's got a stem cap and a seed, and the STEM represents its connection to the past.
All the acorns, all the folks that have ever existed in its line before are encoded in that transfer through that stem the legacy into this acorn. The cap holds onto the seed until the seeds ready to grow on its own. So the cap represents your coaches, your mentors, your your role models, your guide, your parents, your friends, your teachers. And when you're ready to grow on your own, the seed of that ACORN holds not only your potential.
But the potential of every future generation of acorns that will spring from that line. So let me ask a question.
What kind of seed is in you?
So I believe part of our responsibility in life is to find out who we are, to discover ourselves, first off, we need to respect our nature. We need to realize we are
[00:01:53] So I believe part of our responsibility in life is to find out who we are, to discover ourselves, first off, we need to respect our nature. We need to realize we are part of a continuing chain that carries a legacy and a responsibility. And if that's the case, then we need to recognize that we were not biological coincidences.
We were into I believe there's a creator creator and I believe you were intentionally created for a myriad of purposes.
] There are many things we can do with our lives. And I think it's our job to find out what those things are and to do them as well as we possibly can so that we're passing along the right imprint for the next generation. And that's just simply my life philosophy. That's the way I look at it.
So first, we need to respect our nature. Second, we need to know our nature.
Take Aristotle's advice, know thyself, but know things about yourself that most people don't discover. For example, know how you're smart, not just how smart you are in comparison to others. In what ways are you smart, know what you care about? What are the values that motivate your choices? Know what your personal velocity is, the intensity and drive with which you naturally operate, know the background, imprint, positive, neutral or negative that you carry with you and what effect it's had on, you know, your behavioral style, how you come across to other people, know you're the patterns in your choices so that you're continually learning more and more about what it's like to be you so you can do an even better job of it.
And then we need to apply our our nature. We need to nurture our nature by expressing ourselves in the world. Say, I never expected to be. Anything but ordinary. I was raised to be nice and ordinary, I expected I would grow up to be like dad, work for the phone company. I figured I'd go to work for the phone company, maybe work in an office.
] I figured I'd live, you know, work till 65. I'd have one point three, four kids retire at 65, and then I'd die at the statistical average age for my, you know, my gene pool.