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Security around Wall Street is much tighter now than when Cashin began his career there, in 1959 as an assistant clerk at Thomson McKinnon. Lower Manhattan, more broadly, has become more residential in the two decades following 9/11, which Cashin said has been a welcome development and improved the liveliness of the area.
But the weeks following the terrorist attacks were dark on and around Wall Street, he said, and it had little to do with the market’s performance.
“We came for the next several weeks in a somewhat depressed mode. Everybody was downbeat,” he said. “The only smiles south of Canal Street were in the photos on the missing persons posters that the families put up to try and find people that had not come home.”
Cashin said personal lessons from 9/11 are applicable to the current moment, as New York City and the nation work to overcome the coronavirus.
“If we get the vaccines and the variants back in order, life, hopefully, will go on,” he said. “Man is both a gregarious and optimistic animal, particularly if you’re American. Optimism is at the soul of this nation, so when you get a terrible thing like 9/11, you pull together and say, ‘OK, let’s move forward.’”
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