Social Media Silencer| Mind Wandering and Influencers| HeyParth

Social Media Silencer| Mind Wandering and Influencers| HeyParth

#Influencer #SocialMedia #MentalHealth
It has been observed that people get hooked very easily to the social media platforms. Especially there has been a lot of chatter about the social media algorithms and their dependence potential.
Did you know that in the world of Information Technology a new software is created only when a hardware exists for it. I say this because there is a specific function of our brain called as "mind wandering". Also known as an autopilot mode, Mind Wandering has a circuit in our brains in the Pre Frontal cortex area. Whenever we are tired of doing things we are wired to wander away to a world of imagination, dreams, ambition, fantasy and even frustration.
It is this circuit of brain which is responsible for creative ideas and even distraction among students during concentration and studies.
It was exactly this circuit of the brain that the social media has targeted. About 50% of times in a day we wander away and it is during this time we take solace in various social media and streaming platforms. Gradually most of us later start operating at a wandered away level of our brains.
We must understand that as a package to be hooked to their platforms we have the concept of influencers. We follow their trends, hashtags, challenges simply to make them more popular and i9nfluential. Its time to shun these mindless influencers who actually live a life like a person suffering from Split personality disorder. Their online and offline lives are far apart. But their online lives makes us jealous, inferior and envious in our offline lives.

Influencers thrive upon the insecurities and inferiorities that are inborn present in us. Our social media activities pointy towards your self love which may even lead to narcissism. But with increase in self love your self esteem falls down drastically.

HeyParthSocial Media SilencerInfluencer

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