"You've Put Me Off Dairy!"

"You've Put Me Off Dairy!"

These two lads stopped to talk with me in Belfast and were very receptive to what I had to say. Most of my conversations end in a positive way.... but this one ended in the most unexpected fashion.

*As usual, big thanks to my bro @tomasanonymous for filming.

Ethical veganism means making everyday choices driven by the desire to avoid causing cruelty and suffering to animals at all practical costs. It is a way of life that reaches far beyond a plant based diet.

Put simply - We oppose the exploitation and use of other animals.

There is no doubt that breeding, caging and use of animals for food, clothing, experimentation and entertainment causes an immense amount of suffering... all of it completely unnecessary.

Following a vegan lifestyle is easy and on this channel I will be navigating many of the challenges and socially ingrained ideas that animals are here for us to use.

I'll be discussing this simple concept along with related issues such as diet, health, the environment and epidemiology.

Finally, I'll be talking about 'activism'... and helping other vegans to communicate effectively and share the message of living without causing unnecessary harm to other beings.

I want to make change happen... for our health, for the planet and most importantly, for the animals.

I hope you will join me on our journey to change the world.

Be kind. Be Vegan.



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