Race hustler professor SNAPS at Larry Elder, gets SCHOOLED instead

Race hustler professor SNAPS at Larry Elder, gets SCHOOLED instead

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Here’s how it started. I posted a tweet about Professor Ibram X Kendi, formally known as Ibram Henry Rogers
To which Mr. Kendi responded:
Slams me, while referring to my show as a “minstrel show.” So I invited him on my nationally syndicated radio show

Someone who is “anti-racist“ who avoids debating me by calling me a “minstrel“? Isn’t that…racist? Or at least bigotry against a conservative because I am a black conservative and don’t buy his Black/net worth/income inequality can be explained by slavery/Jim Crow/systemic racism. It's complete BS, and it's so-called leaders like that that impede progress and every time, effort, and energy from what we truly create wealth.

No one denies that slavery and Jim Crow adversely affected the economic advancement of blacks. The question becomes how much of today's wealth inequality Is attributable to that as opposed to policies, advanced with the best of intentions, that have had the opposite effect of what their proponents intend. I say again the welfare state incentivizes women to marry the government and men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility."

How do you suppose Mr. Kendi became a professor at Boston University, a New York Times bestseller, and wealthy? We're going to BMW on slavery and Jim Crow – – BMW means bitch moaning and whine – – or by working hard.

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