#158 - Why You’re Not Losing Weight After Menopause: Insulin Resistance/ Ft. Dr. Morgan Nolte

#158 -  Why You’re Not Losing Weight After Menopause: Insulin Resistance/ Ft. Dr. Morgan Nolte

Many women after menopause find that they have trouble losing stubborn weight. We talk about some of the causes on this episode of Pursue Your Spark Podcast, primarily focusing on insulin's role in your health. People often think that insulin is a bad thing or that only people with diabetes need to think about it, but the truth is our body has it naturally. In fact, insulin resistance can have adverse effects on your health.

85% of adults are insulin resistant, yet most have never heard of the term. Insulin resistance can cause weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and more. As estrogen levels fall after menopause, insulin resistance goes up...so does a women's risk for these diseases.

Dr. Morgan Nolte is a board-certified clinical specialist in geriatric physical therapy. She is the founder of Zivli, an in-depth online course and coaching program that bridges the gap between busy physicians and patients who need to lose weight and get healthy.

Morgan helps adults reverse insulin resistance for long-term weight loss and improved metabolic health. Her mission is to prevent diseases related to insulin resistance such as diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and more.

The best way to stay healthy is to be educated about your health to ask your doctor and have an informed conversation with them. So, be an advocate for yourself and your health.

insulin resistancewhat is insulin resistanceweight loss

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