Conservatives Freak Out After Obscure Search Engine Limits Russian Propaganda

Conservatives Freak Out After Obscure Search Engine Limits Russian Propaganda

For quite some time, conservatives have been urging one another to use the obscure search engine DuckDuckGo because they believe they are being "censored" by Google (they aren't.) But last week, after DuckDuckGo said they would be limiting Russian propaganda, conservatives lost their minds and started trying to find a new home. Why would this decision upset them so much? Farron Cousins attempts to answer that question.

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Conservatives as they typically do are freaking out right now because the obscure little search engine called duck duck go, has decided they are going to limit on their search pages, Russian propaganda. So what's the relat between duck, duck go and conservatives. And of course, Russian propaganda. Well, it's a bit of a weird little road here, but apparently what's been happening for quite some time. Now is that conservatives, including folks over at Brightbart, you know, hugely influential, conservative publication. They've been encouraging their followers to use duck, duck go instead of using Google because they falsely claim that Google is censoring conservative outlets, which isn't a thing by the way, cuz bright Bart has the unique distinction and the esteemed distinction of being a legitimate news site in the eyes of so if you search for something that's in the news and Brightbart has reported on it, they actually show up in the news column. It's very difficult to get that distinction by the way. So anyway, because they think they're being censored, even though they're not, they've told people, use duck, duck go instead. And then of course, late last we equine duck, duck go said, Hey, we're gonna limit. We're gonna limit. We're not even getting rid of. We're just gonna make it appear at the bottom of your search results. Russian propaganda specifically from the RT network and from Sputnik conservatives lost their minds.

Here's what, uh, to Warwick a self describe libertarian YouTube user said, he said, if you're using duck dot go, I suggest you stop using it and switch to something else. I want tens of thousands of people to stop using it. Brightbart described it as duck dot go quote, adopting the censorship policies of big tech conservatives. Aren't being censored on big tech folks. We know this studies have actually shown that conservatives benefit more, their stuff is shared more widely on big tech, whether it's Google, Facebook or Twitter, conservatives always dominate it. And they pretend like they're not because you know, know that generates sympathy. It generates revenue. It generates clicks and likes and shares when they claim that they're being censored. But the big question of course is why y'all care if they're limiting Russian propaganda, unless of course you are spreading it is, is that what's happening here?

Is that, is that what we're watching, you know, are, are, are you guys worried that if they limit Russian propaganda, that somehow that means you are going to be limited because to me that's really the only assumption I can make from this. If you are not spreading Russian propaganda, what is this decision by this little obscure search engine have to do with you? And I understand, you know, you want to say that, oh, we don't want any censorship of any kind that's total BS. Like y'all are kidding yourselves. If you think that's what this is, this is not a slippery slope issue either. I'm not even concerned with that. And not to mention the fact that this is technically not even duck duck go's decision because duck dot go doesn't really have their own search engine. No, no. They actually use Bing, which of course is owned by Microsoft, which Republicans and conservatives believe is the devil. So you idiots are out there thinking you're sticking it to big tech by using duck, duck go this little bitty search engine. When in reality they're like, yeah, we're just actually using Microsoft's bang, which is far inferior to Google. So multiple cell phones there by conservatives, but go ahead and freak out out Russian propaganda being limited. But if you're really worried about that, that maybe you need to think about the kind of content you're putting out.

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