Imagine What's Humanly Possible with Virtue® Biotech-Based Hair Care

Imagine What's Humanly Possible with Virtue® Biotech-Based Hair Care

The hair care industry has, for years, claimed to have found ways to un-split our split ends, un-frizz our frizz, and un-do damage. Of course, that’s a lot of big talk about soap and water. But what if there were actually a way to do the impossible: to repair hair for real?

Eight years ago, we stumbled onto a discovery, a protein called Alpha Keratin 60ku®. A protein derived from human hair and recognized by the body as its own. And we started to imagine the what-ifs. The maybes. The possibility of doing what no one else had done.

That discovery became a hair care company called Virtue. We are different because our technology comes from the foundations of what makes us human, our very biochemistry. Our science gives us the distinct ability to heal. To take something inside of all of us, this impossible, uniquely human protein, and use it to design transformational hair care that works on every individual hair type and concern. And to continue to push the boundaries of what good we can do for hair and humans alike.

Now, discover what’s humanly possible with Virtue.

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