Return of Polio to England after 18 years free
UK, case of wild polio, 1984
UK was declared polio-free in 2003
UK, national incident declared
Detected, sewage samples in London
Past four months, polio virus, Beckton sewage works, four million in north and east London
Cluster of genetically-linked samples
The virus has evolve
Now classified as a ‘vaccine-derived’ poliovirus type 2 (VDPV2)
Someone recently vaccinated overseas, live virus (Albert Sabin, 1961)
Not used in UK since 2004
Not used in United States since 1987
UK vaccination for polio
Inactivated polio vaccine, IPV, (Jonas Salk, 1955)
Take-up of the first three doses, London, 86%
Rest of UK over 92%
Vaccine-derived polio
Nigeria, poliomyelitis, 2005 and 2006 from several countries,
(that have previously been polio-free)
As opposed to wild form
Can be transmitted, can mutate
No cases have been detected
Health Secretary Sajid Javid
not particularly worried
NHS in London
Contacting unvaccinated under 5s
Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)
Only polio vaccine given in the United States since 2000
Oral polio vaccine (OPV) is used in other countries
US Schedule
2 months old
4 months old
6 through 18 months old
4 through 6 years old
Adults at increased risk of exposure to poliovirus
One IPV booster for life
IPV is as effective as OPV for preventing polio
Two doses of IPV provides 90% immunity to all three types of poliovirus
3 doses provides at least 99% immunity