Vegetable Garden/Allotment Jobs in July - Jobs to Jog your Memory During a Very Busy Period! #90

Vegetable Garden/Allotment Jobs in July - Jobs to Jog your Memory During a Very Busy Period! #90

What jobs need doing in the Veg Garden in the Month of July? Well, July is one of the busiest months in the Veg Garden with so many things to get done. As we look after and care for existing crops and start to harvest all of the lovely fruit and veg, it is very easy to forget other jobs that may need to be done.

In this video I share 9 jobs that I will doing on my Veg Garden/Allotment during the month of July to help maximise my harvest and to prolong the growing season for as long as possible. I hope the video gives you some ideas for things that you may also think about doing in July in your Veg Garden/Allotment.

Here are the links to the videos referred to in this episode and a few other you might find of interest:

What Veg Seeds to Sow in July 2022 | Easy to Grow Veg for a Super Summer/Autumn/Winter Harvest -

How to Sow Vegetable Seeds Directly Into the Ground Outside - A Step by Step Guide to Success -

How to Build a Quick and Simple Fruit & Veg Netting Frame On a Budget -

How Productive Veg Growing Starts with Good Organisation + *FREE Sowing & Planting Calendar* -

This channel will help you to learn new techniques for growing fruit and vegetable in a garden or on an allotment and provide some recipes for how to use all of this wonderful fresh produce!

I hope you enjoy the video and if you have any questions or comments in relation to Allotments, Gardens, Vegetables, Fruit, Recipes or any related issues then please leave them below. I will choose a few questions to answer in future videos, so you may get a mention!

Remember to the hit SUBSCRIBE BUTTON and also BELL ICON to be notified when each new video is uploaded and many thanks for watching!!! - Gary - The Allotment Garden & Kitchen

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