A Tank That Allows You To Make Incredible Shots || Type 75 SPH

A Tank That Allows You To Make Incredible Shots || Type 75 SPH

The Type 75 SPH is a rank IV Japanese tank destroyer with a battle rating of 6.3 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.91 "Night Vision".

The armour of Type 75 SPH resists 7.62 mm machine gun fire from any side and can sustain 12.7 mm rounds when angled from any side, however, the hull is made out of aluminium, so it's actual effective armour is around 15 mm. Because of that, the tank can be knocked out by large-calibre HE shells.

For that reason, it is not recommended to drive to hostile tanks closer than 300 m and slightly angle to avoid being shot with MG from the side and about 700 m to avoid unnecessary damage. Slightly angle the tank towards passageways to have a chance of making a reply shot. Do not angle too much, to avoid exposing your sides or triggering fuses on rank V APHE, which mostly has 19 mm trigger with exception of German and some US tanks which have 14 mm sensitive fuse.


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Battle 1 - Abandoned Factory: (0:00)
Battle 2 - Sun City: (4:42)
Battle 3 - Fields of Normandy: (12:13)

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War ThunderCASAim 7E

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