Republican Senator Says He's 'Well Aware' That Schools Are Letting Kids Use Litter Boxes

Republican Senator Says He's 'Well Aware' That Schools Are Letting Kids Use Litter Boxes

Embattled Republican Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin said during a tele-townhall event this week that he "knows" schools are letting children identify as cats and that these schools are providing litter boxes for children to use in class. This hasn't happened anywhere in this country, but it has somehow become a common talking point for Republicans who are desperate to attack the LGBTQ community. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Republican Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin said during a tele town hall this week when a caller asked him if he had heard about these schools out there putting litter boxes in the bathrooms for students to use at school. Ron Johnson, a Republican senator, said that he was, quote, well aware of this. A sitting senator from the great state of Wisconsin said that he knows that schools are putting litter boxes in their bathrooms for the students who choose to identify as cats. And he also was asked, you know about, would you support a Florida style federal? Don't say gay bill. And of course he says yes, because that's what all this comes down to. This is an attack on the LGBTQ community to try to reduce it to ridiculous terms. Saying, Oh, children can't identify as the opposite gender. What's next? They're gonna identify as cats.

Kinda like Pat Robertson back in the day when he was talking about, Oh, we can't legalize gay marriage. What's next? People are gonna wanna marry ducks and horses. Remember that conservative argument, by the way, we used to talk about it back when we were doing go left tv. Those idiotic arguments about legalizing gay marriage is gonna lead to people marrying farm animals. And now it's the same thing. It's just evolved a little. Well, if a boy can identify as a girl, then why can he not identify as a cat? We may as well put litter boxes out there because they're reducing it to its most ridiculous terms to make the entire thing seem stupid, even though it is not. But let's get back to the litter box issue, right? There isn't a single school in this country that has placed a litter box for students to use in a classroom, in a hallway, in a bathroom, anywhere on their property. That hasn't happened anywhere in this country. But this Republican senator says, I'm well aware of that happening. These people are insane. They're insane.

I, I, I, I don't even think I need to follow that up. These people are padded room for the rest of their lives in San. And here's the thing, let me, let me just point this out to any conservative that may have accidentally stumbled upon this video by accident, don't you think? Don't you think that if there was any school in this country that had a litter box out there for children to use, don't you think somebody somewhere at some point in that school would've taken a picture of it? Don't you think there'd be some kind of evidence? I don't know if you've been to schools recently, but pretty much every kid has a phone and every phone has a camera. And even if you were talking about an elementary school where

Some of the kids didn't have phones, even though a lot of 'em still do, wouldn't there be another teacher that might be like, Uhoh, hold up. Let me, Okay, yeah, this is bad. I'm gonna show the world that you're letting your kids use the litter box. Don't you think at least one teacher would do that? Don't you think students would be coming home and telling their parents, Oh my god, little Johnny was pooping in the litter box during class. There's literally no evidence to back up any of these idiotic claims, But that doesn't matter because you still have sitting Republican senators out there telling us, Yes, it's happening. I'm well aware of it. These people are nuts. And I fear what is going to happen to this country as the Republican party continues to get crazier because they're not getting better folks, that's the scariest part.

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