7 Costly Medicare Mistakes Part 2 - Missing your Medigap Open Enrollment Period
Get the rest of the mistakes here:
► Justin Brock is an agent who has built a 20 Person agency that practices what they preach. If you're looking for training, look no further. From marketing to sales, we know the drill with Medicare and Final Expense telesales and in person sales.
Check out the book Medicare Breakdown written by Justin Brock here:
* Check below in events for our intimate Behind the Agency Sessions.
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Events: Medicare-Con 2022 https://www.medicarecon.com
Events: Behind the Agency - Text "Agency" to 662-340-8557
► If you'd like personal consulting text "Consulting" to 662-340-8557
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Justin Brock has personally written over 100 applications in a week. The amount of lead flow using his Brock and Mortar - Always be Branding strategy had so many leads he now has a team of 20 to capture all of the traction.
Now Justin Brock and the Medicare Gurus are on a mission to help ONE MILLION Medicare Beneficiaries and in order to do that they need YOUR HELP! If you're a Medicare beneficiary check us out at https://www.bobbybrockinsurance.com
If you want to learn how to join the Medicare Gurus team, check out Justin Brock here:
You can also read articles written by Justin and published In Forbes, Rolling Stone, Newsweek or Entreprenuer Magazine at the below profiles: