Drone Operator: Caleb Johnston
Project Manager / Lead Installer: Shay Norrie
Leading Hand: Caleb Johnston
Description: The Decorative Lighting Company (DLC) conducted specialist fairy light installation of five (5) entrance palms at the Ferry Road Tavern (Southport QLD). The installation of this lighting design has created a stunning landmark for this basseling main street tavern which offers fantastic hospitality options for people wanting to enjoy.
"....The finished night time ambiance; Magnificent !"
DLC were contracted by the Grand Hotel, Labrador (QLD)
Decorative Lighting Company is a Queensland (AU) based company that specialise in applying our own brand, commercial grade fairy light systems into living trees.
Innovators, importers and suppliers of commercial grade decorative lighting systems for Commercial or High End Residential Installations
Get in direct contact with the team @ Decorative Lighting Company by visiting our website decolight.com.au
40 Pacific Ave
QLD 4220
Ph. +61 7 5575 50 70
email: info@decolight.com.au
We supply & install the best! decorative lighting available.
Enjoy the show
Soundtrack: Copy write free music included with PowerDirector video editing software