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Call of Duty Warzone Mythbusters - Vol. 20 | DefendTheHouse
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Watch Next: Call of Duty Warzone Mythbusters - Vol. 19 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbOwBVnASs0
Welcome back to Call of Duty Warzone Mythbusters! Post myth suggestions in the comment and we'll put them to the test in the next Call of Duty Warzone Mythbusters video.
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Watch More DefendTheHouse!
Modern Warfare Myths: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-t2SThfQOA&list=PLVSZoKmDBr8Xmrr25at8_V7oMc8lOKcob
Battlefield 1 Myths: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVSZoKmDBr8Vw0ww34pZIVSuYAFyQK3t7
Latest Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVSZoKmDBr8WAetCaxIwl6dAOKs1OeAYu
Grand Theft Auto V Myths: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVSZoKmDBr8UdW2MjaDo5uZ8ESO68Bdrk
'Love' - Maxzwell: https://soundcloud.com/maxzwell/love
'Boys Bop' - Birocratic: https://chillhop.bandcamp.com/track/boys-bop
'Foreign' - Julian Avila: https://soundcloud.com/julian_avila/foreign
'Half Awake' - Bonus Points: https://bonuspoints1.bandcamp.com/track/half-awake
Thanks for watching. Subscribe if you want to see more. Like the video if you enjoyed it!
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