Slab cycle for high Rise Building with conventional shuttering
In this video, we talk about 8 days slab cycle with conventional ply shuttering, will discuss the procedure with the activities to follow on-site each day to achieve 8 days cycle
This video covers all these topics
Day 1
- Starter work with centre line drawing
- Complete vertical column, shear wall reinforcement work
Day 2
- Column Shuttering
Day 3
- Column Concrete work 100% complete
Day 4
- Slab Shuttering start (Beam bottom, Beam side, Slab shuttering)
Day 5
- Complete Beam and slab reinforcement work with covering
Day 6
- Complete all Electrical Conduiting work and MEP sleeves and cutouts if needed
Day 6
- Complete Gridline checking and supporting work of slab
Day 7
- Complete checking work of RCC, architect, quality, and MEP work as per approved drawing and with respecting departments
Day 8
- Finally, do Concrete Casting work of slab
and many more...
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#8daysslabcycle #slabcycletime #slabcycleforhighrisebuilding
8 days slab cycle work activities to be followed on site for high rise building construction
slab cycle in construction
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DND Construction: This channel has Technical & Practical Civil Engineering & Construction videos based on field experience for all Civil Engineers & Construction professionals.
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Channel Host: Narendra Patle (BE, ME in CEM with 7+ years of Industry Experience)
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✌DND Construction by Narendra Patle 👷♂️