Django Machine Learning course 1.1: about the instructor

Django Machine Learning course 1.1: about the instructor

What will you get out of this course?
✅ Set up your local Django development environment.
✅ Train a sentimental prediction model using movie review data with Scikit learn.
✅ Fine tune the parameters and benchmark the results.
✅ Persist the model that performs the best, create a RESTful API endpoint with Django, and deploy it into a productionized environment onto Heroku.
✅ Test the API from your browser and POSTMAN. Finally, your model can be used by the whole internet.
✅ You will be able to use this similar framework to serve many other models you build in the future and let the whole world consume your results very easily.
✅ In the end, you will get a fully functioning restful API endpoint that listens to any GET request from the internet.
✅ You will be able to use the same Django framework to serve other models in the future and let the whole world will be able to easily consume your model outputs.

In the end, you will get a fully functioning restful API endpoint that listens to any GET request from the internet.

Will be great if you have the following to take 100% advantage of this course.
1. A Basic understanding of Python and Django
2. A Mac or a Linux/Unix-based computer, since the course is taught using an Apple computer.
3. Some basic understanding of the Web. (HTML/Javascript/CSS).

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