Source 1: https://www.imarcresearch.com/blog/bid/359393/nuremberg-code-1947
THE NUREMBERG CODE AND ITS IMPACT ON CLINICAL RESEARCH; IMARC RESEARCH, INC; Posted by Natalie Jarmusik; Date posted: Tue, April 9, 2019; Date of website access: July 27, 2021.
Source 2: https://media.tghn.org/medialibrary/2011/04/BMJ_No_7070_Volume_313_The_Nuremberg_Code.pdf
The Nuremberg Code (1947); BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070; Volume 313; Page 1448; Date published December 7, 1996; Date of website access: July 27, 2021.
Since Beer-19 started in December of 2019, think about the complete disregard of these ten Nuremberg Code medical guidelines by politicians, governments, the World Health Organization, pharmaceutical manufacturers, physicians, national medical associations, pharmacists, nurses, inoculation distribution centers, etc. Since this crisis started, many politicians have become dictators, and unfortunately, most countries worldwide now operate under communist government systems. Human experimentation has gone horribly wrong, the abuse of freedoms and rights, the enforcement of Martial law (government lockdowns), permissible access to certain social and financial institutions for only fully inoculated citizens, distancing rules, night curfews, closed borders, banned travel measures, the inability to sue pharmaceutical companies in the case of catastrophic side effects or death, mandated vaccines for healthcare staff in certain countries, and other extremely draconian policies. No, you don't live in a democratic society anymore. Yes, this is communism, people. Please wake up, and share the message!