Most reptiles in the hobby are well adjusted, tamed down enough to handle without getting bitten and overall great pets. But some snakes and reptiles will bite you! These 5 reptiles are likely to give you a pop!
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Adam Wickens
221 Glendale Ave
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L2T 4C4
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Most snakes we commonly keep in the reptile hobby are not likely to bite you. But some snakes and other reptiles are likely to give you a pop when they can. This is because they are defensive, not aggressive! A defensive snake is a bity snake! Even other reptiles like common snapping turtles and alligator snapping turtles will give you a bite if they are feeling threatened and not socialized. These turtles will ruin your day if you let them. Of course Savannah Monitors bites suck and although they can be tamed down, an unsocialized monitor lizard will likely take a pop at you and give you a bite. If you're looking for an even worse animal bite, Curvier's Dwarf Caimans have a mouth of razor sharp teeth and if the chomp isn't enough, the death roll after it will surely tear your flesh. Of course if you handle these animals correctly, or better yet, leave them alone. You wont have to worry about taking a bite from the worlds smallest crocodilian. African Rock Pythons get a really bad rap as bity bois. These are massive snakes, big constrictors that will defend themselves with a bite if needed. Stay clear or handle with caution. Of course a well socialized python can make a great massive pet snake! Amazon Tree Boas on the other hand are very hard to tame down but make amazing display animals.