20 arts institutions come together to mark 30 years of independence

20 arts institutions come together to mark 30 years of independence

(23 Aug 2021) LEAD IN:

Ukraine did not officially become independent until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

But like most of the 15 former Soviet republics, it declared its sovereignty immediately after the failed hard-line coup against reformist Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.


The Ukrainian flag flutters in the breeze.

National pride will be centre stage of a special anniversary in Kyiv - 30 years of independence from the Soviet Union.

Ukraine did not officially become independent until the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991.

But like many of the 15 former Soviet republics, it declared its sovereignty immediately after the failed hard-line Communist coup in Moscow against reformist Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in August 1991.

Twenty institutions - including museums, archives and libraries in both the US and Ukraine, have presented exhibits for the "Forever Free Ukraine" exhibition.

Most of the US exhibits were presented by the Ukrainian National Museum of Chicago.

The exhibition includes 250 items covering the period from 1914-1923.

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the last time Ukraine existed as an independent state was briefly from 1917 to 1920 following the chaos in the aftermath of the Russian revolution and the end of WWI.

One of the exhibits is on display for the first time – an album of Ukrainian army uniforms. The album was created in Prague in 1937 and travelled via Germany during WWII to post-war United States.

Maxim Ivanov, a visitor to the museum, says it's important that such items are on display for the younger generation to know their history.

"This exhibition is very interesting. It is necessary for the younger generation to know its history and country, to enlighten them so they know what we are and where we come from," Ivanov says.

The "Forever free Ukraine" exhibition runs until 30 September.

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