SB_11.14.25-Jiva's stubbornness to contaminate himself & Lord's unconditional mercy to purify Jivas!

SB_11.14.25-Jiva's stubbornness to contaminate himself & Lord's unconditional mercy to purify Jivas!

Text 25

यथाग्निना हेम मलं जहाति
ध्मातं पुन: स्वं भजते च रूपम् ।
आत्मा च कर्मानुशयं विधूय
मद्भ‍‍क्तियोगेन भजत्यथो माम् ॥ २५ ॥

yathāgninā hema malaṁ jahāti
dhmātaṁ punaḥ svaṁ bhajate ca rūpam
ātmā ca karmānuśayaṁ vidhūya
mad-bhakti-yogena bhajaty atho mām

yathā — just as; agninā — by fire; hema — gold; malam — impurities; jahāti — gives up; dhmātam — smelted; punaḥ — again; svam — its own; bhajate — enters; ca — also; rūpam — form; ātmā — the spirit soul or consciousness; ca — also; karma — of fruitive activities; anuśayam — the resultant contamination; vidhūya — removing; mat-bhakti-yogena — by loving service to Me; bhajati — worships; atho — thus; mām — Me.

Just as gold, when smelted in fire, gives up its impurities and returns to its pure brilliant state, similarly, the spirit soul, absorbed in the fire of bhakti-yoga, is purified of all contamination caused by previous fruitive activities and returns to its original position of serving Me in the spiritual world.

According to Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura, this verse indicates that the devotee goes back home, back to Godhead, and there worships Lord Kṛṣṇa in his original spiritual body, which is compared to the original pure form of smelted gold. Gold alloyed with inferior metals cannot be purified by water and soap; similarly, the heart’s impurities cannot be removed by superficial processes. Only the fire of love of Godhead can cleanse one’s soul and send one back home, back to Godhead, to engage in eternal loving service to the Lord.


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