TJ MAXX yellow tag sale haul!- what I purchased to resell on Ebay and Poshmark for profit!

TJ MAXX yellow tag sale haul!- what I purchased to resell on Ebay and Poshmark for profit!

Welcome to my TJ MAXX yellow tag clearance haul! Thank you for stopping by my channel. I am an online reseller on Ebay, Poshmark, Mercari, and more. I shop for clothing at thrift stores, estate sales, garage sales, consignment stores and sometimes, retail stores like you'll see in this video, and I flip them for a profit. This is my full time job and I love it. If you like videos like this, please subscribe to my channel and follow me on Inastagram. Thank you so much for stopping by and have a beautiful day!

Ebay Store-

Poshmark Closet-


#tjmaxxyellowtaghaul tjmaxxclearancehaul #tjmaxxmarkdown #resellerhaul #ebayseller #ebaycommunity #thriftingcommunity #poshmarkcommunity

#yellowtagsalehaul #yellowtaghaul #yellowtagsale #resellerhaul #tjmaxxhaul #tjmaxxyellowtagsale

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