In this tutorial, the bias stabilization technique of BJT and the process for derivation of stability factors of different BJT biasing circuits are discussed.
Biasing is the process of providing DC voltage which helps in the functioning of the circuit. A bipolar transistor is based in order to make the emitter-base junction forward biased and collector-base junction reverse biased, so that it maintains in the active region, to work as an amplifier. Since some of the parameters of BJT such as leakage current Ico, base-emitter voltage drop VBE and current gain (beta) are temperature dependent, it results in shifting of Q point when the temperature changes. This causes thermal runaway and improper amplification of signals. To prevent the shifting of Q point, different bias stabilization circuits are introduced. A simple biasing circuit called fixed bias does not provide enough stability. The voltage divider bias circuit provides good stability by providing negative feedback caused by emitter resistance. The stability factor for some biasing circuits is also derived using a common framework that is easier to remember.
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