Ganito dapat mag conduct ng hearing agad nalinaw ang issue ng ppe walang korapsyon na nangyari.
PH News Recap is a selected video clip of Philippine latest news highlights, interviews, and speeches. To let you know the latest happenings in the country.
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This Channel Covers the Clip Highlights of the following:
House of Representatives
Senate of the Philippines
Rodante Marcoleta
Mike Defensor
Elpidio Barzaga
Boying Remulla
Makabayan Bloc
Carlos Zarate
Sarah Elago
Arlene Brosas
France Castro
Ferdinand Gaite
Isko Moreno
Banat By
Rodrigo Duterte
President Rodrigo Duterte
#NalinawAngissueSaPPE #WalangKorapsyon #GanitoMagconductNgHearing #trending! #Phnewsrecap #latestnewstoday #LatestNewsSeptember2021 #philippinenews #philippineissue #goodnews #politic #philippinepolitics #changeiscoming #pagbabago #ProtectPresidentDuterte #LatestNews2021