We found mysterious confidential top secret footage at Area 51. It was guarded by the men in suits government. We couldn't tell if it was an alien or a human! It was a very shocking video! We see this scary monster ghost looking creature in the fog shooting lasers and taking out hackers like PZ Funf and the new temporary leader Peters. Who is this? What is this thing? Is it a girl? Maybe we should bring the mysterious thing to the Safe House to do a face reveal! We copied what they did in the video. We had an antenna that pointed to outer space and tried to see if we could reveal the origins on the PZ Killer. We heard weird sounds coming from Regina's secret room and started doing fruit ninja but with electronics! Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy adventure vlog videos in 2021!
Watch my friend’s awesome videos:
Melvin PZ9 - Whoever OOFS the Most in Natural Disaster Survivor Simulator has to Drink a Nasty Potion!
Vy Qwaint - REVEALED: Leaked Footage of the Killer on September 4th, 2021
Chad Wild Clay - Can I Survive with NO WATER in Area 51 to Find My Lost Friends in the Desert?
Daniel Gizmo - We are LOST in AREA 51 - Spending 24 Hours Finding our Missing Friends in the Desert
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▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merchandise - https://www.spyninjasstore.com/
▶ SPY NINJA NETWORK - http://spyninjanetwork.com/epzvideo
▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website - https://www.spyninjas.net/
Watch Spy Ninjas here:
▶ Chad - https://www.youtube.com/user/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.youtube.com/user/VyQwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFzvquJYoSDFhd9W0JhZKw
▶ Regina - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNJel5I2JYglFEn0TOXh_Q
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Ewbj-MFWA7dXgQA9y5EEw
Spy Ninjas' Instagram:
▶ Chad - https://www.instagram.com/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.instagram.com/vyqwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.instagram.com/cwcdaniel
▶ Regina - https://www.instagram.com/cwcregina
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.instagram.com/spyninjamelvin/
Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here http://share.epidemicsound.com/mDVsZ