Top 10 People In History That Could Be Aliens
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Many people believe that aliens are real and they currently live among us. Not only that they believe that humans have already begun to mate with the aliens and are creating these weird alien-human hybrids. Pretty disturbing not going to lie. Today we will be looking at some famous figures in history that might have really been aliens. This is the Top 10 People In History That Could Be Aliens, exclusively on Most Amazing Top 10.
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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
00:33 Spring heeled jack
01:51 The lightning man
02:57 Akhenaten
03:59 Osiris
04:46 Nina Kulagina
05:31 George Gurdjieff
06:18 Leonardo Da Vinci
07:09 Amelia Earhart
08:04 The magical healer
09:08 Count of St Germain
Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh- https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/
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Hosted By:
Lindsay Ivan: https://www.instagram.com/lindsay_ivan/
Edited By:
Claudia Leung: https://www.instagram.com/claudzleung
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