r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts
Subreddit used in the video is r/Askreddit
For the Youtube Monetization team:
We post a wide range of topics, that are funny, informative, entertaining or interesting.
The video style is similar from video to video, but in no way is it repetitive. If this was the case, vlog channels would all be repetitive too as they use the same format for each video, but have a wide array of situations they cover.
We ask they you consider this explanation of our content, and review the monetization accordingly.
RedditJar is a compilation of AskReddit stories that are read, shared, and edited. Whether the stories are real or not we will leave it up to you to decide.
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▶️Watch more r/AskReddit stories: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=UUSd-3R1xJ0hRT8rQkuIiDew
🔔Subscribe to Reddit Jar for daily Askreddit uploads! https://youtube.com/channel/UCSd-3R1xJ0hRT8rQkuIiDew
Reddit Jar discord server: https://discord.gg/csdWJ4z
Reddit Jar Twitter: https://twitter.com/RedditJar
music: Kevin McLeod
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
business email: reddit.yt.business@gmail.com
#Reddit #AskReddit #RedditJar