Oh we are the valiant Infantrie - We are the Alpha Team with passion and comraderie
Hear us as we shout at the top of our Lungs - Be calm, be bold and raise your gun!
Yo just some EDF 5 Gameplays
EDF 5 Missions Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO7nBBiYUOSdNjG8QhiAZxATCjrKQqWeW
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrhdfY3jiDE4cVwY-OYkC-Q
Discord (u can play with me): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w73WHwgoRZw
Alle Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrhdfY3jiDE4cVwY-OYkC-Q/playlists
Ein weiterer Astreiner Insektentöter: https://www.youtube.com/user/Gronkh
Falls du Wingdiver magst: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO7nBBiYUOSdaNojwntnwIFIbnPQ5hOlI
Oh we are the valiant Infantrie - We are the Alpha Team with passion and comraderie
Hear us as we shout at the top of our Lungs - Be calm, be bold and raise your gun!
Its only with our sacrafice, that mankind can still exist down here in paradise.
To defend our dearest Mother Earth, were to give up our lives!
High up in the air our comrades fight, dashing trough the sky now like a million bolts of light.
We shall spread our Wings wide and fly. soaring, gliding trough the endless sky!
Now pick up our Weapon off we go. Firing at the flying Saucers shooting down our foe.
We shall not allow these aliens, to rule we homo sapiens!