Inferential Statistics | Hypothesis Testing | Chi Square Test | ANOVA | Great Learning

Inferential Statistics | Hypothesis Testing | Chi Square Test | ANOVA | Great Learning

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Statistics is one of the most important fundamental components that see its usage in almost all of the domains that use metrics of sorts. Inferential statistics is a popular division in the world of statistics that deals with making inferences about experiments at hand and/or with trackable metrics. The advantage is this, inferential statistics can process numerical data and categorical data with ease. Great Learning has come up with this video to help you get started with all the fundamentals and to help you build your skillsets in statistics.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:40 Introduction to Statistics
00:16:40 Data Collection for Statistics
00:22:37 Types of Statistical Analysis
00:31:27 Deep Dive into Inferential Statistics
00:37:20 Probability and Central Limit Theorem
00:45:18 Understanding Hypothesis Testing
00:53:24 Chi-Square Test and ANOVA
00:58:01 Summary

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