⭕ An invite to restart your life in a community

⭕ An invite to restart your life in a community

Arthur and I would love to formally invite you, in this video, to check out a new conscious eco-community forming in Brazil. Conscious in the way of (yoga, trauma healing, clean from mind-altering substances)
Arthur purchased a 400-acre incredible piece of land with a river, 7 dams, and 6 springs. There is more than enough water to grow anything we want here. Climate is awesome. There are about 40 Hectares of the rainforest...

We are on our 3rd day of preparation for the foundations for the eco-home that we will be building with other co-creators on the 5th of November.

We are inviting any one of you who has been wanting to leave the city and start their life on the land, to come and join us. This eco workshop is a perfect opportunity to get to know other community members and to work side by side on a collaborative project together.

Don't let finance hinder you. Everyone that wanted a price reduction to suit their budget, has joined.

If you are feeling the calling to come and join us here in Brazil, trust it !!!


🎥 - Our crafted and quality films about our life
♾️ - Our conscious brainstorming & realizations
⚒ - Alësha's ecosystem & natural building clips
🎙️ - Interviews with eco wizards & conscious folk

#OffGrid #SelfSufficiency #DIY #LivingOffGrid #OffTheGrid #Aircrete #DomeHome #SuperAdobe #Earthship #Homesteading

Check out Bio-Veda Academy Website

If you resonate with our message then become a sponsor, and help us on our journey.
★ PayPal: biovedadome@gmail.com

Don't forget to follow us on social media 😊
★ INSTAGRAM // www.instagram.com/alosha_bio_veda/
★ TELEGRAM // t.me/alosha_zoya

Check out our online courses:
★ WATER COURSE // www.bioveda.co/water
★ DOME HOME COURSE // www.bioveda.co/domehome
★ ECO HOME FOR COLD CLIMATE // www.bioveda.co/wautillarium

life in a communityeco villagedome home

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