폴더블폰 인기에 폴더블 OLED 출하량도 5년간 연평균 60%대 성장 전망
Thanks to the popularity of foldable phones, shipments of foldable OLED panels are set to grow significantly over the next five years.
According to market research service Omdia, foldable OLED shipments will increase from 10 million units this year to 66 million units in 2025.
This is an average annual growth rate of 61-percent over the next five years.
The shipments are to officially expand starting next year,... as major Chinese smartphone brands and Google are preparing to release foldable phones.
Samsung Display is currently dominating the market, possessing 100-percent market share in the third quarter with the release of Samsung's Galaxy Z series.
#OLED #foldable_phone #Economy
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2021-10-19, 12:00 (KST)