Hello! Welcome to Gary’s Tarot!
This is your general love reading "Will They Come Back?" for Aries in Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus signs for November 2021. We are going to take a look at the person that is one your mind to see what their overall energies are towards you and then we will take a look to see if this person is coming back.
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Please send me a request for a personal reading through the link below, and I will respond via e-mail with confirmation of payment, time/date, and platform to be used during the reading. https://garystarot.squarespacescheduling.com/
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Decks used in this reading:
Crystal Visions Tarot
Bianco Nero Tarot
Tattoo Tarot
Movie Tarot
Messages of Love
Tarot readings are for entertainment and guidance purposes only. Readings will come true but not always. You are responsible for your own life choices and decisions after you watch my readings. I am not qualified to give medical, legal or financial advice.
#Aries #love #tarot #tarotreading #soulmate #lovereading #astrology #November2021 #spiritualguidance #Ariesmoon #intuition #Ariesrising #Ariesvenus #November #Ariestarot