If you’re one of the millions of Americans with low back-pain, chances are you’ve tried a variety of lifestyle adjustments and remedies to improve your symptoms.
new research suggests that you may be able to improve your back pain via a less obvious (and less expensive) route: by changing the foods you eat every day.
Inflammation isn’t always a bad thing: Acute inflammation is actually an important immune response that helps heal injuries or fight illness. But chronic inflammation — inflammation that occurs in healthy tissues or that lasts for months or years — can cause damage and contribute to many chronic diseases, including cancer, heart-disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and depression, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Chronic-inflammation can also play a role in conditions such as arthritis or back pain.
Many of the foods that increase inflammation, or are pro-inflammatory, can be found in the standard American diet. This is a diet where we consume mainly refined grains that are too easily absorbed and create lingering blood sugar problems and weight gain. One source of inflammation that I think a lot of people don’t realize are refined vegetable-oils such as soybean oil, vegetable oil, and corn oil. They’ve all gone through a high level of processing, and they contain omega-6 fats which are inherently pro-inflammatory.
some of these things aren’t outright harmful in small doses, but when we have them embedded in every product, every processed food, and every restaurant uses them, that’s when chronic inflammation can ensue — from chronic exposure.
Following an anti-inflammatory diet isn’t just about eliminating foods that cause inflammation. We also need to eat enough of the kinds of foods that will reduce the triggers for inflammation.