Trump's Business Keep Losing Money As His Brand Grows Stagnant

Trump's Business Keep Losing Money As His Brand Grows Stagnant

Donald Trump's businesses are not doing well, and his personal net worth has fallen to the lowest point in years. The problem, according to new reports, is that his brand is seen as "toxic" by far too many investors and would-be tenants, so he's left holding onto properties that nobody wants to utilize either for living or for their businesses. This was entirely predictable, and it helps explain why Trump is so desperate to become powerful and relevant again. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Nobody wants to do business with poor little old Donald Trump. According to a new report from NPR, Donald Trump is losing a ton of money because his brand, the Trump organization itself, has grown stagnant and it's grown stagnant because it's also grown so toxic over the last five or six years. Basically, ever since Donald Trump descended that escalator announcing that he was running for president, things haven't been great for the Trump organization itself. And now Donald Trump is sitting there and of course he's no longer on the Forbes 400 list. His net worth has now dropped to the lowest that it's been since he was kicked off the Forbes 400 list. And he's holding onto a bunch of properties that nobody wants to utilize. They're having trouble attracting businesses to come in and set up shop. For his other residences, they're having trouble attracting people that just want to live there because nobody that can afford it and that's the key here.

Nobody that can afford it wants to be associated with Donald Trump because they understand how polarizing that brand has become. If you throw your lot in with Donald Trump, you know, if you want to open your little boutique on the bottom floor of Trump tower, you're only going to attract Trump supporters and you run the risk of boycotts from literally everybody else. And for any business, even if they do lean to the right, even if they give money to the Republicans, that isn't a risk they're willing to take, because you cannot just shut off half the country and expect to still make a profit. And by the way, that's not just the problem with these people who don't want to do business with Trump. That's the problem with Trump himself. You've literally shut off half the country. Here's the best part about this new report. It says that had Donald Trump sold his properties when he became president, had he truly divested, sold it all and invested the money, he would have an additional four and a half billion dollars today.

So he screwed himself out of money because he didn't want to give up control. He didn't want to give up any of his properties. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to do that. And now it's cost you more than four and a half billion dollars. And the thing here, folks, is that these problems are not going to go away. 10 years from now, Donald Trump is still going to be Donald Trump and even if Donald Trump is not around, what are you going to have Eric and Donnie Jr. running these things. They're even less liked than Donald himself. This is a big problem. A problem that basically could cause the Trump organization to have to follow in Facebook's footsteps and do a complete rebranding. Like, no, we're not Facebook anymore. We're Meta. Not going to work with the Trump organization just like it's not working with Facebook. But they're going to have to try something or else they're going to continue losing a ton of money every year.

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