Yo Joe! He'll fight for freedom wherever there's trouble, G.I. Joe is there! It's G.I. Joe against COBRA and Destro, fighting to save the day! He never gives up, he's always there Fighting for freedom over land and air!
Maybe he should have kept an eye out for all the Hasbro wannabe towlines trying to steal his thunder! In an all new Toy History we take a look at 80s & 90s GIJOE A Real American Hero Bootlegs and Knock Offs!
Big thanks to Jevaho Creations (Insta) for the extra help with this one!
🥳 Special Thanks to my Patrons:
Aaron Deskin, Banano, Rainer Dieckhoff, NotAnotherRetroChannel, Daniel Boswell, Lance Murphy, Raymond Doerr of Sixtygig Games, Daniel Cross, Pete Genders, Capt Vampire, Trevor Smith, Jonathan & Randa Bouler, Reese McKinney, Alex Hughes, Low On Life, Anthony D Grate, Longie_long, Jasen O Nelson, Nattfoedd, James Davis & Jeff Mcelwee!
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Sources: joeaday.com; plaidstallions; yojoe.com; toysfromthepast; battlegrip; Wikipedia, Worthpoint, digitalcommons.law; toplessrobot; figure-archive; openjurist.org; toymania.com; the vintage toy advertiser; catawiki; megomuseum.com; figure realm;
Check out my friends: Grecofabulous, Not Another Retro Channel, Empiretoys1138, Retro Rick, Laura Legends, NEScommando, Pixel Game Squad, Sprooch Game Hunting, ...
I'm a fan of: The Game Chasers, Toy Galaxy, Pixel Dan, Retroblasting, Gamedave, Gaming Historian, AVGN Cinemassacre, SNESDrunk, Summoning Salt, The toys that made us, Toy Hunter, Analog Toys...
#GIJOE #Toyhistory #knockofftoys