I Find a Lush Cave in Minecraft 1.18 - Let's Play Survival #2

I Find a Lush Cave in Minecraft 1.18 - Let's Play Survival #2

Episode 2 of GeminiTay's Survival lets play! Today we go caving to find diamonds in the new 1.18 cave biomes. We discover a dripstone cave and lush cave right away, with many diamonds in sight. After, I setup a starter enchant area, and build a storage room!

SEED: Geminitayisgood OR 809371870
If it doesn't work, you didn't type it in right. It has worked for thousands of people on both versions! I promise!

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Recorded with OBS
Minecraft version 1.18

MinecraftGeminiTayMinecraft 1.18 lets play

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