Welcome to Keystone Crypto University!
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Q4 TA Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwSxhl7QDsw
0:00 Intro to Stock Market & BTC TA
0:54 US GDP Contracts: 1st Time Since 2020
1:43 SPX500 Technical Indicators
10:57 NASDAQ Technical Indicators
13:17 BTC Technical Indicators
17:57 BTC On Chain Metrics (Bullish)
19:29 NASDAQ Survey: 72% of Investors Would Buy More Crypto w/ Spot ETF
20:28 Greyscale to Sue SEC if July 6th Spot ETF Not Approved (Keystone to $100k BTC)
Professor Blockchain is not a licensed financial advisor and is here under this likeness for entertainment purposes only. Please do not take anything you see or hear on this channel ever as financial advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies at the wrong time can come with serious losses so please always consult your financial advisor before making any new investments and be aware that investing in general is very risky.
All of the information found in this video is found publicly available to all on the internet. This information might have been doctored or misrepresented from its original form. This information is not intended to slander harm or defame any of the persons that are ever discussed in our "class". We're merely showing what you could find through a Google or DuckDuckGo search of your own of what was said through their social media accounts. We on occasion make errors of our own so please make sure to always verify what any and all information covered in our videos.
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