Why EXAMS need to change | Indian education system | Abhi and Niyu

Why EXAMS need to change | Indian education system | Abhi and Niyu

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In this video, Abhi and Niyu explore the top 5 problems of the Indian Examination System. With the new education policy - India is implementing a lot of important changes in our education. But at the same time, we must take a closer look at why our examination system has not given our youth the skills needed to succeed in life. Many professional institutes think that Indian graduates are not ready for work because they lack the necessary knowledge to start working in an organization. Communication skills, leadership, time management - such important skills are completely missing from our Indian education system.

#exams #indianeducationsystem #abhiandniyu

A video by Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha & Niyati Mavinkurve

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Abhi and Niyu is the fastest growing Indian educational YouTube channel. Abhi and Niyu are a husband-wife couple who believe in the power of our youth.

Abhi and Niyu started their page to talk about positive, impactful ideas and to inspire offline action from online content. It was a way to change the way our negative feeds operated and replace negative news with positive, action-oriented news that made some change. They decode and simplify issues for Millenials and believe small steps lead to big outcomes in the future. Their videos span different genres like history, environment, and sustainability, policy discussions, social commentary, economics, personal finance, among others.

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